Secondly I tried remapping keyboard modifier keys through macOS’ Keyboard preferences.

Unfortunately the remaps were being ignored, possibly due to the fact I was connecting through a vnc. Ive used this tool before and it was working perfectly. This is a great tool to remap keys on your mac keyboard or any other keyboard you may be using directly on the mac. Solutionsįirst thing I installed was Karabiner-elements. (in my case alt was missing, that is, binding the alt key to the “option” key on mac). Some of the keys are swapped, as macOS usually does with keyboards from other vendors (in my case those were control and super). The connection is running fine, no interruptions, mouse and keyboard are working almost seamlessly. connect, press the hotkey (the one you supplied or if not the default one: F12).rtfm man x2vnc for basic usage and options.
Install x2vnc (available in AUR for me, but you can always download and build it yourself).Note: you can see your vnc server address just above the “Computer settings” button (“vnc://x.x.x.x”) Setup your X system to use your vnc server Important if youre going in without video, like in this example) Run defaults write /Library/Preferences/ VNCAlwaysStartOnConsole -bool true (this will let the vnc client connect into the currently logged in user, skipping the login.Computer settings… > fill password checkbox and set a password.a client machine running X11 (using X.Org version 1.20.8).a machine running macOS and “Screen Sharing” (using Mojave 10.14.16).

The time/effort I spent here shouldn’t be repeated. The modifications I made were minor but finding the correct ones cost me some time. Most vnc options were extremely slow, so I “vnced” my keyboard and mouse only (x2vnc), and connected the macbookpro to my monitor input. Since I’m a cheap bastard and love open source I opted for the latter with modifications.

What I found was a lot of proprietary options and a couple of open sourced ones that were okay, but always lacking some little thing that would annoy the hell out of me. I wanted an easy way to control my macbookpro from my desktop setup.